7 “How To” Painting Secrets for Interior Painting Preparations – From A Main Line Professional Painter

Posted on August 7, 2019
How Do The Pro Painters Do It?  So, you want to paint your Main Line home like a pro, eh? Well, stick around. I think I have a pro painting tip or two that may help you out! ☺ In this blog, I will enlighten you on “7 ‘How To’ Painting Secrets for Interior Painting Preparations,” or professional painting tips for preparing to finish paint, on the topics below. The focus will b...

7 Signs of A Quality Professional Painter & 7 Questions to Ask During A Painting Quote

Posted on July 23, 2019
When screening Main Line painters, here are seven in-depth questions for giving homeowners insight into the level of workmanship the painting company typically achieves. These questions also will give you a feel for the level of service you will likely receive. The best time to deliver these questions is in-person, during the quote appointment. Why? So you can see the reaction or the body lan...

Gray Paint – Fashion Forever Color

Posted on February 27, 2017
Interior painting on the Main Line, and in areas nationwide, is now all about using gray paint. This fashion forever color is now in its fifth year of growing popularity. It has garnered such attention that homeowners are now even using it on trim, doors, and built-in cabinetry. In thirty years of owning a painting company, I have rarely used gray as a finish paint, if at all as a quality interio...

Painting Prices – Hiring on Price vs. Hiring on Intelligence

Posted on February 27, 2017
Contractor Tools
I have met hundreds of homeowners in my business and of course have not worked for them all, primarily due to painting prices. Though my pricing has always been fair, a large portion of the home improvement market now has a "lets make a deal" mentality when it comes to looking for new service providers. The Internet has made it virtually instant-quotes-at-your-fingertips simply by sending out 4-...

Setting Clear Expectations with Your Painter Contractor

Posted on February 27, 2017
As a painting contractor on the Main Line of Philadelphia, we perform interior painting on a range of finish-levels from high-end custom work down to apartment repaints. Some of our customers want perfection from their painters, while others are simply happy to see new colors on the walls of their home. This discrepancy on what the finish quality expectations are is a major communication issue th...